The climate changes have had a very big impact on olympic athletes, but mainly the runners. For instance lets look at Jamaica, they have dominated the track running for a very long time and most of the athletes don't even have trainers. Nor all the expensive technology that big countries can provied. Then what makes them so good on the track?
It's their climate. As alot of people would know Jamaica is a very trocpical/hot island, these extreme temperatures make their running abilities very strong because it's alot harder to run in hot temperatures than a normal climate and if you get use to the hot you can do alot more in a normal climate.
This is also one of the main reasons Africa and other hot countries such as Ethiopia are such good long distance runners.
Alot of athletes are now using the altitude to their advantege because it is scientifically proven that it enhances their preformance. Alot of athletes will now go running where there is high altitude such as mountains. They do this because being at a high altitude it makes your heart beat faster due to the lack of oxygen. When the athletes are competing on normal ground level their heart automaticly beings to beat faster, bringing more oxygen to your muscles. With nurturance being pumped to your muscles more often they preform to a higher level.
Pollution has only recently started effecting olympic athletes, especially at the 2008 Beijing, China Olympic Games where pollution was effecting the athletes preformance greatly. But it isn't effecting the athletes nearly so much as the countries, if the the pollution countiues to rise there might be big debates about which countries are clean enough to host the Olympic Games.
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